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Info about Girl Scouts 

For over 100 years, Girl Scouts has been providing girls opportunities and experiences to learn and grow.  Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.


Service Unit 81, serving girls in the Clinton Township and Lebanon Borough areas of Hunterdon County, is part of the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey council, .  We have troops in the following schools:  Acorn Montessori, Immaculate Conception School, Lebanon Borough School, Spruce Run SchoolPatrick McGaehranRound ValleyClinton Township Middle School as well as North Hunterdon High School.


Girl Scouting is for girls from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Program levels group girls into age appropriate learning levels.

Bridging Poem

Girl Scout Daisies are Kindergarten and first grade. Daisies learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law and earn petals to show what they've learned. They can also earn other community and Council patches. 


Girl Scout Brownies are second and third grade. Brownies earn 'Try-It' Badges by completing four activities on a particular subject matter at their troop meetings. 


Girl Scout Juniors are fourth and fifth grade. Juniors earn proficiency badges by completing six activities on a particular subject matter at troop meetings and on their own. Juniors may also elect to earn the Bronze Award. 

Girl Scout Cadettes are sixth through eighth grade. Cadettes work on proficiency badges on another level from the Junior level. Cadettes may also elect to earn the Silver Award. 


Girl Scout Seniors are ninth and tenth grade. Seniors can begin to work toward earning their Gold Award with their proficiency badges.


Girl Scout Ambassadors are eleventh and twelfth grade. Ambassadors can continue to work toward earning their Gold Award and usually finish the requirements before graduating high school.


For more information on badges and awards, please visit our national web site,


Interested in Girl Scouting in Clinton Township or Lebanon Borough?  Please email us at

Did you know?

The Girl Scout Promise


On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.



The Girl Scout Law


I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others, 
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.



The ABC's of Girl Scouting

A - Ambassadors and AMaze
B - Bridging, Brownies and the BIG event at Liberty State Park!
C - Camporee!  Campfires and Cadettes
D - Destinations...where will you go?
E - Emergency Preparedness and Earth Day events
F - Friends (some are silver and the others gold!)
G - Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Mass at ICS and the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting
H - Heart of New Jersey Council
I - Inchworm of Service award
J - Juliette Gordon Low, Juniors and Journeys
K - 
L - Leadership awards and Liberty Science Center overnights!
M - Magazines and Martin Luther King Day of Caring
N - Nuts
O - the Oval and Operation Shoebox
P - Pet Care badge, the Planetarium at RVCC
R - Rafting Adventure Weekend with Dad! Rock the Mall in DC
S - SWAPS, S'mores, Summer Camp and Seniors
T - Teddy Bear Tea, Try-its and Thin Mints!  And who can forget Trunk or Treat?
U - Uniquely you programs!
V - Vests & Sashes, volunteering
W - Wicked, World Thinking Day and WAGGS
X - 
Y - Your Best Defense badge
Z - Zoo America @ Hershey Park! 

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